Autumn Boosters will be administered for those that are eligible by Bridge End Surgery and naturally we will keep you updated regarding this situation. We are sending out invitations according schedules we are given and so this will be six months after the last dose. Information is changing regularly and we will try to update this page as often as possible because our phones lines are extremely busy dealing with routine work and in trying to book patients in for covid vaccinations.
Do you need Podiatry help? if so you can now self book without having to have a GP appointment?
Data for Planning and Research update
A letter was sent to practices from Jo Churchill, the Minister for Primary Care and Health Promotion, outlining the criteria that will strengthen security for the GP data collection programme. It sets out the tests that must be met for the GP data collection to proceed and means a move away from the fixed start date of 1 September. The letter can be read here.
Back Pain
Use website for patients who suffer from back pain Back Pain video
Over the Counter Medication
The table below shows the guidance that we are required to follow regarding a number of Self Care issues and how patients can purchase over the counter (OTC) medications for that.

Calling all men of the North East
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAAs) are a weakening in the aorta that can swell and rupture causing fatal internal bleeding. They usually don’t have symptoms and are most common in men aged over 65.
AAA screening is a free NHS national programme that invites men in the year they turn 65, to attend a quick and painless 10 minute ultrasound scan.
You will receive your invitation through the post when you’re eligible. Please DON’T ignore it. It could save your life!
If you need to rearrange your appointment give us a call on: 0191 445 8747
For more information visit: QE Gateshead website
Watch our AAA Video:

Chronic Pain
There is a useful source of information to help people who suffer from chronic pain at the Live Well With Pain website available at Live Well With Pain website
ICON is all about helping people who care for babies to cope with crying
ICON is a resource to help people who care for babies to cope with crying - there is a website full of information and this includes Parents advice and explains the crying curve

* I – Infant crying is normal
* C –Comforting methods can help
* O – It’s OK to walk away
* N – Never, ever shake a baby
Painkillers don't exist
Pain medication like codeine, morphine and tramadol can be dangerous if taken for a long period of time. Always ask your GP for a follow up appointment to review your health. Find out more about the dangers of pain medication here: #PainkillersDontExist

There are over 55,000 prescriptions for opioids and gabapentinoids every month across County Durham and Painkillers are not the only option for persistent pain use the link for more information.
Cancer Care
CDDFT and the North East Cancer Alliance have produced a patient information video for the 2WW pathway and is available on the following link: Cancer care video
Used inhalers
We would encourage that patients return used inhalers to local pharmacies for disposal by incineration or recycling and any blister packs can also be recycled at certain pharmacies waste recycling pharmacies.
Self Help leaflet
We have a new leaflet that explains approaches to self help around lifestyle changes and it can be accessed Lifestyle_changes
Extended Access Service
With effect from the 1st September 2017, there is an extended access service, running Monday to Friday evenings, and Saturday and Sunday. Please just ask Reception staff for details.
Both GP and Nurse or Health Care Assistant appointments are available.
This is an extension of the GP service that runs as normal throughout the day, and is aimed firstly for those people who, for example, work and find it difficult to get to see a GP or Nurse or Health Care Assistant during the day.
This poster offers more information
Extended GP access
'Healthier & Wealthier' telephone advice is now available via the Practice
Citizens Advice County Durham is now offering quick and easy telephone appointments to patients all over the country, giving free advice and helping solve a range of problems that could be causing you serious worries or even affecting your health.
They are experts in:
- Staying Warm and Healthy
- Work, benefits and income
- Debt and managing money
- Legal matters and rights
- Caring or disability
- Relationships or bereavement
- Housing or consumer issues
Evidence suggests a strong link between getting this kind of advice and staying physically and mentally well, especially if you have long-term health problems.
By asking the Practice to arrange a telephone appointment, you could get a free call-back at a convenient time Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm - and often on the same day.
Just ask at Reception for more information.
Health Visitors
There is no longer a Health Visitor service operating out of the practice, following a review by the provider, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, patients can now attend the community clinic every Friday at Bullion Children Centre from 09.30-11.30.
Further information is on the Facebook page for CLS Health Visitors.